Kennesaw State Society of Black Engineers

Our Mission

"To increase the number of culturally responsible Black engineers, who excel academically, succeed professionally, and positively impact the community."

Join our family today

Experience a transformative environment of collaboration and boundless growth as we redefine possibilities in engineering, shaping a future of limitless opportunities for our aspiring engineers.
About Us

What is KSBE?

Welcome to the Kennesaw State University Chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers (KSBE).

We are a dynamic and inclusive organization dedicated to empowering Black engineering students and professionals, fostering academic and professional growth, and promoting diversity and excellence in STEM.

At KSBE, we provide a supportive community where members can connect, collaborate, and thrive. Through a range of activities and programs, we strive to create a nurturing environment that promotes success and cultivates leadership skills. Whether you’re an undergraduate student just starting your engineering journey or already seasoned in years, KSBE offers opportunities for growth, networking, and personal development.

KSBE's Commitment to Success

Building a Stronger Future



